
There is a growing disproportion between what we think we know and what we actually understand.  And there are strong and determined elements that seem bent on perpetuating that disconnect as a means to personal gain or of amassing power, without heeding, or more likely, understanding the possible consequences of their actions. We make ever-larger miscalculations concerning the most vital issues that effect the very survival of mankind.

Who among us has not recoiled in dismay and disgust from the daily offering on TV?  Why does it seem that our political leaders, scientific experts and the myriad host of would-be wise men and pundits who make decisions affecting the direction of our daily lives, at best, seem to have little or no idea which course to take?  Or worse, they take actions based on self-interest, greed or stupidity, which are fundamentally wrong?

I am not sure there are solutions to the problems we face.  The voice of reason seems to be an increasingly faint voice.  Dark, regressive, anti intellectual forces would substitute self-aggrandizement and ignorance for rational and empathetic governance.  I mistrust our collective capacity to thwart this trend.  I do think that if we better understand the forces and issues, which we face, it may allow us to make better choices.  My images are a personal coping mechanism, and an attempt to explicate, or render visible on some level, the chaos that surrounds us. 

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